“All for the Common Good” is a phrase that you may have heard in conjunction with the announcement of St. Thomas’ new brand. It is a great description of the work we do as faculty and staff members. Going all the way back to my days as a student here, it was obvious that people here had my best interest at heart. In that way, St. Thomas hasn’t changed.
However, it is the uncommon that is most impressive to me: faculty members who conduct research with students to expose them to concepts outside the classroom. Staff members who walk visitors to their campus destinations, not just point them in the right direction. An institution that covers the entire tuition of employees’ children. And lest I forget, employees who give strong financial support to their university.
Last year, St. Thomas achieved 54 percent participation in the Faculty and Staff Annual Campaign – the fourth year in a row of greater than 50 percent participation. Those definitely are not common results: Only one other school in the entire state achieved participation of 50 percent or greater.
It should make every donor to the campaign happy to see the impact of these gifts. Scholarships have been funded. Study abroad has been made possible. Emergency loans have been provided.
Consider this your invitation to do the uncommon. You will be receiving a Faculty and Staff Annual Campaign pledge form soon. Please consider how you can participate this year. Remember that your participation is what matters most. The amount of your gift is secondary to the fact that you are making a gift.
Please join me in doing something uncommon for the common good!