Faculty, staff: Nominate students for Aquinas Fellows scholarships


Faculty, staff: Nominate students for Aquinas Fellows scholarships

Each year, Beyond Career to Calling, the St. Thomas Lilly Grant program established to promote a theological sense of vocation on campus, offers undergraduate students the opportunity to receive scholarship funds through the Aquinas Fellowship program.

Fellowships are awarded to sophomore and junior students who demonstrate an understanding of a religious sense of calling in their lives and how that calling helps shape their future career or vocational choices. This past year, 17 students from across the university were selected as Aquinas Fellows.

In order to apply, a student must first be nominated by a faculty or staff member. A nominee then completes an application, which includes writing a personal essay on vocation. A faculty and staff committee screens the application packets, and awards are announced in early May.

Nominations now are being accepted. Any UST faculty or staff member may nominate a student. The student currently must be of sophomore or junior standing.

The nomination deadline is Friday, March 14.

For more information visit the Beyond Career to Calling Web site and click on the Aquinas Fellowships link, or contact Dr. Mary Reichardt, program director, or Laura Stierman, program assistant director.