Father Thomas Loya to discuss 'Theology of the Body' in lecture here Thursday
Byzantine Catholic priest Father Thomas Loya, pastor of an Illinois parish and host of two radio programs, will discuss "Theology of the Body" in a talk at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, in the auditorium of O'Shaughnessy Educational Center on the St. Paul campus of the University of St. Thomas.
Father Thomas Loya
His two-hour talk, free and open to the public, is sponsored by St. Thomas' University Lectures Committee.
Loya is a member of the Tabor Life Institute, which offers theology-of-the-body-related lectures, workshops, retreats and study groups. "Theology of the body," the institute says on its Web site, " is the answer to all of life's questions.
"This is because the theology of the body is the delivery system for the sacramental-liturgical worldview. During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II reached deep into the sum total of the church's wisdom, the Scriptures, the human experience and irrefutable science to put together a vision of the human person, an 'adequate anthropology,' as the pope himself called it.
"The theology of the body means exactly what it says: the body reveals God (theology)," the institute says.
"Since our bodies have a 'theology,' they can 'speak a language.' The key to all happiness in life and to all moral discernment comes down to this one simple principle: Are we telling a truth or telling a lie with the 'language of our bodies'? If we are speaking a truth with our bodies it will result in holiness and happiness. If we speak a lie with our bodies it will result in hurt and therefore unhappiness. All human well-being rests upon learning and living honestly the language of our bodies. This is why the theology of the body is indeed the 'answer to all of life's questions,'" the institute says.
More information about theology of the body can be found at the institute's Web site here.
In addition to hosting the "Light of the East" and "A Body of Truth" radio programs, Loya is a regular guest on Relevant Radio's "Morning Air" program.
Before his 1982 ordination, Loya pursued a career in commercial art and design. He also holds a master's degree in counseling and has directed many retreats.