The Group Work Institute of St. Catherine University and University of St. Thomas School of Social Work invites the campus community to attend “Finding Our Voices: Group Work and Social Justice” on Friday, Feb. 18. Participants will examine the use of group work to empower communities, work for social justice and promote change.
The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon in Room 100, McNeely Hall. Open to the public, the event is free for students, $10 for faculty and $20 for community members.
This seminar will provide opportunities to learn about community groups that promote social justice issues through group work, to become familiar with group work strategies that promote issues of social justice and change, and to experience a process of developing a collective voice. Special guests will be UST Allies, Allina Hospitals and Clinics-Backyard Initiative, and the McDonald Sisters.
For more information contact Pam Kilpatrick, (651) 962-5826, or visit the School of Social Work website for registration materials.