What demographic trends and budgetary realities facing Minnesota state government mean for the employment of those with disabilities will be the topic of a forum to be held next week on the university's St. Paul campus.
The forum, "Demographics, Economics and the Minnesota Budget: The Impact on Disability Employment," will be hosted by the Minnesota State Rehabilitation Council and Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Department of Employment and Economic Development. The forum, open to the public, will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, in the McNeely Hall Great Room (Room 100).
The morning session will feature Minnesota state demographer Tom Gillaspy. He will discuss broad economic and demographic trends and will focus on the budgetary realities facing state government. He also will discuss what these trends mean for the employment of people with disabilities and whether there are policy implications for Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Gillaspy also will describe tools and services provided by the Office of the State Demographer that disability councils could use to prepare needs assessments. A question-and-answer session with Gillaspy, a panel discussion with placement staff from Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and an open-microphone public forum will follow.
For more information about the forum contact Kim Schumann, (651) 962-6308.