- Deck the halls of your department (fa la-la, la-la-la, la, la, la)
Enter your department in the Holiday Decorating Contest.Get the spirit going in your department and decorate. If you're proud of your work and want to step up to the challenge, enter your department as a contestant in the decorating contest. The carolers will judge your decorations on their route and ooh and ah appropriately at your artistry. You'll need to measure up to your worthy opponents, however, in order to win.
- Join us now in merry measure (fa la-la, la-la-la, la, la, la)
Become a caroler – remember that harmony is in the ear of the beholder alone. - Do you hear what I hear?
Register to just listen … and applaud!If you don't want to harmonize and can't get the decorating done, but still want to be a part of the fun – ask us to stop by your office anyway so you can catch the spirit.
Be part of a joy-filled community the week before Christmas;