Great Books Reading Group takes a swing at The King's Game

Great Books Reading Group takes a swing at The King's Game

St. Thomas' Great Books Reading Group will discuss The King's Game, by John Nemo '97, on Wednesday, Aug. 1.

John Nemo

The group will discuss the book, a story about baseball, fathers and sons, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 388, Owens Science Hall. Refreshments will be served.

The Great Books Reading Group’s tentative schedule for the next two months:

  • Sept. 19: The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood (this year's common text for first-year students)
  • Oct. (date to be determined): The World as I See It, by Albert Einstein

The books are available in the St. Thomas Bookstore. Look for the Great Books poster near the customer service desk. Everyone is welcome to join the Great Books Reading Group.

For more information, or to make requests and comments, contact Dr. Thomas Tommet, (651) 962-5211.