Andy Leet, English Department, was the fifth person to respond correctly to the “How well do you know UST?” question posed by Institutional Research and Analysis last Wednesday: “What percentages of food expenses at UST are for sustainable (local/organic) foods?” The answer: 28 percent.
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Now, for this week’s question.: “Of the current 199 Fields of Study, how many undergraduate minors are currently offered at UST?”
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The Office of Institutional Research and Analysis (with the assistance the Registrar’s Office) developed the Fields of Study report to respond to external survey requests such as the Higher Learning Commission Annual Institutional Data Update (AIDU).
To find the answer to this week’s question click the Fields of Study report to locate the October 2009 Fields of Study report. This question addresses Excellence (E1e, E2c and E4c) as described in the UST Strategic Plan.
The fifth person who responds at with the correct answer to today’s question will be acknowledged in next Wednesday's Bulletin Today. Each month, those who submit a correct response to any of the IR&A weekly Bulletin Today questions during the month will have the opportunity to win a UST coffee mug through a random drawing.
For more information on Fields of Study, e-mail Michael Cogan.