The Dance Team performs during Homecoming Purple on the Plaza. Mark Brown/University of St. Thomas

In the News: Julia Harris on First Male Dancer to Make St. Thomas Dance Team

Julia Harris, head coach of the University of St. Thomas dance team, recently spoke with KSTP-TV about Drew Thompson, the first male to become a part of the team, and the unique opportunity it presents.

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From the story:

Co-ed dance teams are a new but growing trend at colleges and universities across the country. 

Julia Harris is the head dance coach at the University of St. Thomas. She said they saw it as an opportunity to take the team in a new direction.

“We’ve never had a male dancer try out. This was a cool and unique opportunity for us,” she said.

“If you’ve seen him dance, his dancing speaks for itself,” she said.

Drew plans to study business at the University of St. Thomas. He hopes to use his degree to own and run his own dance studio someday.