Will Pittner, a recent graduate of the University of St. Thomas Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, spoke with The Catholic Spirit about his start-up, Food to People, which helps bring food that would otherwise go to waste directly to people who are going hungry.

From the story:
“I ended up developing a program with St. Thomas where we can take all food that’s been fully prepared, never tampered with, never hit a serving line, make sure it’s within the proper health code standards, and then find places to redistribute that to, like shelters and churches,” Pittner told host Patrick Conley on the “Practicing Catholic” radio show.
Pittner reached out to the kitchen staff and the sustainability director at St. Thomas even as he attended school there. There were some obstacles to overcome, he learned. In his senior year, Pittner took a course on entrepreneurship that included a start-up business competition with leaders of Fortune 500 companies helping to judge the ideas.
“Many of them approached me afterward and said, ‘Hey, we actually like this idea. Here’s my card. Call me next week,’” Pittner said. “All of a sudden, the idea became very real.”