In the News: St. Thomas Professor Co-Authors Global Study Showing New Record for Ocean Heat

University of St. Thomas School of Engineering Professor John Abraham recently spoke with multiple national and global media outlets to provide insight into the most recent study on ocean heat content, which paints a clear picture of the dangerous trajectory of global warming.

Abraham - a renowned climate researcher - is part of a team of more than 20 leading experts from reputable institutions around the globe who monitor the Earth's oceans on a regular basis to better understand how global warming is changing our planet.

the guardian

From The Guardian:

The international team of scientists that produced the new ocean heat analysis concluded: “The Earth’s energy and water cycles have been profoundly altered due to the emission of greenhouse gases by human activities, driving pervasive changes in Earth’s climate system.”

Professor John Abraham, at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota and part of the study team, said: “If you want to measure global warming, you want to measure where the warming goes, and over 90% goes into the oceans.

“Measuring the oceans is the most accurate way of determining how out of balance our planet is.

“We are getting more extreme weather because of the warming oceans and that has tremendous consequences all around the world.”

From The Washington Post:

The amount of excess heat buried in the planet’s oceans, a strong marker of climate change, reached a record high in 2022, reflecting more stored heat energy than in any year since reliable measurements were available in the late 1950s, a group of scientists reported Wednesday.

That eclipses the ocean heat record set in 2021 — which eclipsed the record set in 2020, which eclipsed the one set in 2019. And it helps to explain a seemingly ever-escalating pattern of extreme weather events of late, many of which are drawing extra fuel from the energy they pull from the oceans.

“If we keep breaking records, it’s kind of like a broken record,” said John Abraham, a climate researcher at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota and one of the authors of the new research published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.