Tim Sielaff, executive fellow and health care management educator at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, recently spoke with KSTP about the failed Fairview-Sanford merger and the future of M Health.
From the story:
The failed merger between Sanford and Fairview could lead to important conversations between Fairview and the University of Minnesota, according to Tim Sielaff, an executive fellow at the Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas.
“When you get that close to such a significant split, I hope that raises some questions and opportunities for the two different stakeholders,” said Sielaff. “Maybe now is a time for the University and Fairview to figure out how they can really exploit the strengths of both of the organizations and create a different future for our communities.”
He suggests it could also be an opportunity for the University to branch out.
“The Fairview Health system does great work in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. It has a solid primary care base which can allow the University to serve those patients well, but being constrained just by one health system is a bit of an issue,” said Sielaff. “How can the [University] think beyond the four walls of the Fairview system and think about how to partner really rigorously to delivery high value care for community members across the entire state?”