Tonny Lukabya, a first-year student majoring in electrical engineering and computer science, and Alexander Ssengendo, a sophomore majoring in accounting and entrepreneurship, are very thankful for their opportunity to study at the University of St. Thomas.
“I found out about St. Thomas while in high school because it has a partnership with St. Thomas and also through Minnesotans who have worked on building dams in my home village of Ssembabul. I learned it was a great place, and it has lived up to my expectations. UST is the best place to study and get a high-quality education. I am lucky to have met so many nice and helpful people. God has blessed me by bringing me here,” Lukabya said.
“A friend told me about St. Thomas while he was studying here and had wonderful things to say," Ssengendo remarked. “I decided to come and started studying at ELS. I enjoy the friendly environment and all the activities. Everyone is very organized and helpful, especially offices like Public Safety.”
Both are thankful for the help they have received here and what St. Thomas is doing to help in Uganda.
“St. Thomas has helped me greatly. This started with the president’s office, International Recruiting and Admissions, and Father Dease getting me here and has continued with support from the Office of International Student Services, professors and friends. Everyone is friendly and willing to help,” Ssengendo said.
“We appreciate the entire community, especially Father Dease, whose interest in Uganda has done great things. VISION also is making a great difference in Uganda, and we are all thankful for their contributions,” Lukabya added.
They are in agreement that everyone should visit Uganda, try luwombo and other local dishes, enjoy the heat, and learn about the people and cultures that make Uganda an amazing place.
Lukabya and Ssengendo look forward to continuing their education and enjoying their time at St. Thomas – for at least a few more years. After graduation, both plan to eventually return home.
Lukabya plans to go back and work with electronics or an electrical company. He is interested in volunteering and helping others in any way that he can, especially in small villages. “I want to make the lives of others better in any way and make sure they live a better life,” he said.
Ssengendo would like to continue studying and earn an M.B.A. before returning to work with an electronics company. He would like to eventually start his own electronics business.
To learn more about Lukabya, Ssengendo, and Uganda, attend their CultureLink Tea presentation with another Ugandan student, Albert Kertho, on Tuesday, April 20. The tea will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 155, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Tea and Ugandan treats will be served.