Learn more about Master of Arts in Human Resource and Change Leadership Program
Explore e-learning at the next “Tools and Trends for Human Resource Professionals” seminar from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, in Room 252, Terrence Murphy Hall, Minneapolis campus. Admission is free.
This event provides a professional development opportunity and information session about the Master of Arts in Human Resource and Change Leadership Program. Light refreshments will be served.
At this seminar, you will learn how to leverage your knowledge of e-learning training modules that incorporate synchronous and asynchronous access and interaction. You can advance your knowledge as e-learning evolves through new technologies and delivery channels in the future.
St. Thomas faculty member Dr. Alexandre Ardichvili will discuss the current practices and future trends of e-learning, which is becoming a popular training tool for human resource professionals.
This session will include:
- An interactive overview of current e-learning practices and tools
- An update on industry spending on e-learning and e-learning growth in various sectors of industry, government and nonprofit organizations
- A look at future trends and technologies
- A presentation of an e-learning-related course project by current students in the human resource and change leadership master’s program
Other opportunities that will be offered at this event:
- Meet HR professionals from a spectrum of industries
- Explore educational opportunities in human resource and change leadership
- Listen to faculty, current students and alumni share information about the Master of Arts in Human Resource and Change Leadership Program
Registration: Space is limited. Register online at the School of Education Events and Conferences Web page or contact Liz Knight, (651) 962-4459.