The libraries of St. Thomas have planned several activities for National Library Week, April 11-15. Highlights are listed below – the Library Week website tells it all:
- Library Week Welcome Table
Stop by the Library Week Welcome Table anytime during Library Week in the main floor atrium of O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center to keep up to date on what’s going on – maybe pick up a snack, check out the status of the Library Week Video Contest, learn about library services, and more. - Daily Trivia Contest
Coordinating the Daily Trivia Contest for the 19th time, reference librarian Eric Kallas will again provide tricky trivia questions to solve. Visit the Library Week website for details and instructions on how to play this popular daily contest. The competition begins on Monday, April 11. Look for daily questions and a daily winner. - Food for Fines Drive
The third annual Food for Fines Drive begins on the first day of Library Week, Monday, April 11, and runs until the end of spring semester 2011. UST library patrons are invited to donate canned food in exchange for the waiving of library fines, e.g., one can equals $2 in fines. All food collected will be given to the Franciscan Brothers of Peace. See the Library Week website for complete details on the program. For more information call Nathan Wunrow, (651) 962-5498, or Linnae Weinrich, (651) 962-4644. - Create Your Own Story @ the UST Libraries
There is still time for students to enter the Library Week Video Contest –Create Your Own Story @ the UST Libraries. Submit a two-minute-or-shorter video showing what you love about the library by Monday, April 11. Two winning videos will be selected: one by a panel of judges and one by being “liked” the most on Facebook. Prizes are $25 iTunes gift certificates. Everyone who enters receives a coupon for a free coffee from Coffee Bené. For complete details and contest rules, visit the Library Week website and click on the Library Week Video Contest tab at the top of the page. - Falling Book Dominoes
A grand trail of falling book dominoes will, for the third time, mark the opening of the book sale, beginning at about five minutes before noon on Monday in the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center main floor atrium. - Book Sale
Visit the Library Week Book Sale, at least once or twice, from noon to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday in the O’Shaughnessy Room of the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. The sale is open to everyone and discounts will be given to members of the UST community. There is still time to donate books to the book sale. Bring books to the Circulation Desk in the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center anytime between now and the end of Library Week. Your books will be added to the book sale throughout the week. Book sale shoppers especially love fiction, biographies, self-help, literary works, nonfiction, political satire, classics, art, etc. For more information call Julie Kimlinger, (651) 962-5014. - Research Online
Linda Hulbert, associate director for collection management and services, will present a talk on Research Online from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Monday, April 11, in Room 102, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. With this powerful online resource, members of the academic community now are able to contribute their completed scholarship with a promise of long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility. Learn more about Research Online here, or call Hulbert, (651) 962-5016. - Carol Connolly
Reading and Book Signing with Carol Connolly, St. Paul poet laureate, at 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 11, in Room 102, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center – a perfect close to the first day of Library Week. See the April 5 Bulletin Today article about Connolly for the complete story. - Faculty-Staff Publication Open House and reception
Stop by the Faculty-Staff Publication Open House and Reception from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 14, in Room 102, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, and enjoy the display prepared by reference librarian Susan Price. The exhibit highlights the books, chapters, articles, software, CDs, DVDs or any other media published by UST faculty and staff during 2010-2011. A brief word of congratulations will be given by Dr. Sue Huber at 3:15 p.m.
For more information about Library Week, call Julie Kimlinger, (651) 962-5014.