Library Today: New electronic library resources available.


UST Libraries introduces ARTstor, a searchable database of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities and social sciences. This continually expanding collection is built from museums, galleries, university collections, libraries, photographers, scholars and artists.

A series of internally created subject guides (Women’s Studies, Language and Literature, Religious Studies, Music History, Maps and Geography, and American Studies) highlight the interdisciplinary nature of this enormous database.

ARTstor users can search, organize, present, download and share images. They can upload and manage personal images and sound files. In addition to keyword searching, users may browse works by geography, classification or collection name. Users also can zoom in on high-resolution images in the image viewer and review related information in image data records.

Access ARTstor here. For more information on how to effectively search ARTstor or any other library database, call a UST reference librarian, (651) 962-5001 or (651) 962-4664.

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Films on Demand

Films on Demand is a multidisciplinary database that provides streaming videos (electronic videos) from Films Media Group. More than 5,000 full-length videos are available, covering the subject areas of psychology, history, literature, languages, engineering, business, art, sociology, sciences and more. Users may search by keyword, subject and producer, among other options.

Access Films on Demand from the UST Media Collections website. User tips are available here.