Midwest Art Conservation Center to present workshop at UST
The Midwest Art Conservation Center will conduct a two-day workshop, "Dangerous Materials: Chemical Poisons in Native American and Ethnographic Artifacts," on Monday and Tuesday, May 11-12, in O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center at the University of St. Thomas.
The workshop, for museum curators and others who work with Native American and ethnographic collections, will detail ways to mitigate hazards when handling artifacts. Artifacts from the American Museum of Asmat Art at St. Thomas will be shown and discussed.
Nancy Odegaard, conservator, professor and head of the Preservation Division of the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona, will lead the workshop.
For details on the workshop and registration, visit the Midwest Art Conservation Center Web site, www.preserveart.org , or contact Melinda Markell, (612) 870-3128, e-mail info@preserveart.org .
The workshop fee is $355. A 20 percent discount is available t0 MACC members. The student fee is $100. A 50 percent discount is available to institutions with budgets of $100,000 or less.
The Midwest Art Conservation Center provides training and advice to institutions and individuals on the treatment of works of art and historic artifacts. The center, located in Minneapolis, is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Travelers Foundation and individual contributors.