A lecture and discussion on “Muslims and America: Beyond Fear of the Other,” will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, in the auditorium of the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center on the St. Paul campus of the University of St. Thomas.
The principal speaker will be Dr. Muqtedar Khan, a member of the Political Science and International Relations Department at the University of Delaware. Responding to Khan’s remarks will be Dr. Gerald Schlabach, a member of the Theology Department at St. Thomas and program director of the university’s Justice and Peace Studies Program.
The program, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the university’s Muslim Christian Dialogue Center. For more information call the center, (651) 962-5650.
In his talk, Khan will discuss:
- The rise of Islamophobia and its impact on Muslims and U.S.-Muslim relations.
- Radicalization and American Muslims.
- The pluralistic traditions of Islam with a special focus on the Quran.
Kahn is the author of American Muslims: Bridging Faith and Freedom (Amana, 2002), Jihad for Jerusalem: Identity and Strategy in International Relations (Praeger, 2004), Islamic Democratic Discourse (Lexington Books, 2006) and Debating Moderate Islam: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West (University of Utah Press, 2007).
Khan, originally from Hyderabad, India, frequently comments on BBC, CNN International, FOX and VOA TV, Bridges TV, NPR and other radio and television networks. His political commentaries appear regularly in newspapers in more than 20 countries. He has lectured in North America, East Asia, Middle East and Europe.
His articles on Islam and American Muslims can be read here and his commentaries on global politics can be read here.