National conference on 'Social Work for Social Justice' is June 3-6
The School of Social Work of the College of St. Catherine and University of St. Thomas invites you to a national conference, "Social Work for Social Justice: Strengthening Social Work Practice Through the Integration of Catholic Social Teaching."
The conference will begin at 5 p.m. Sunday, June 3, and conclude at noon Wednesday, June 6, at the College of St. Catherine and the University of St. Thomas.
St. Thomas faculty and staff are welcome to attend all conference events, including liturgies, plenaries, breakout sessions and celebratory dinners and refreshments for a special fee of $100 to cover meals, refreshments and materials.
A conference brochure and preliminary program are available on the School of Social Work Web page.
To register at the special rate, access the UST-CSC faculty and staff registration form (do not use the online registration form available on the School of Social Work Web page). The deadline for registration is Tuesday, May 15.
For more information, contact Mary Ann Brenden, (651) 690-6928.