
OneStThomas Intranet Launches Monday

The university's new intranet platform, OneStThomas, will launch Monday, bringing with it a new era for Tommie communication.

OneStThomas will combine online tools and information for faculty, staff and students in an intuitive, easy-access, personalized format. A one-stop shop for everything Tommies need online – from Office 365 to class registration, Canvas to event calendars, Newsroom stories to personalized news feeds –OneStThomas represents the university's digital town square and all the community building that comes with it.

Take a digital tour of the intranet and find answers to some OneStThomas FAQs here.

An extension of the university's strategic plan, St. Thomas 2020, the development of OneStThomas was encouraged by President Julie Sullivan and brings St. Thomas in line with the benefits many large universities have experienced with an intranet platform. Instead of operating exclusively on the same external website,, as outside users, St. Thomas community members can now communicate, handle all their classroom needs and stay up to date on information within a secure, private platform.