Personal Counseling and Testing offers groups
St. Thomas' Personal Counseling and Testing center offers two student groups during spring semester. Meet with others to share common concerns, gain support and learn new coping strategies when feeling sad, overwhelmed or confused.
Interested students are encouraged to sign up for a brief intake interview by calling (651) 962-6780 or visiting Personal Counseling, Room 356, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
The Grief and Loss Group is offered for students to be able to confidentially share their feelings related to experiences of grief and loss. Meet with others in a supportive atmosphere and learn how to accept and understand difficult emotions. Meeting day and time will be determined by members' availability. Please contact Henry Ogden or Lindsey Hammond, (651) 962-6780, for more information.
The Interpersonal Process Group is offered for students who are interested in learning how to enhance their relationships. Members will be able to explore their interpersonal and communication styles and learn additional relationship-building skills. The group is confidential and meets from 5 to 6:15 p.m. Wednesdays in Room 370, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. For more information, call Vanessa Rempel or Henry Ogden, (651) 962-6780.