Power Networking - Call or Be Called

A large and engaging audience of nearly 70 UST MBA students, alumni and corporate visitors took part in the March 16 meeting of the Master’s Connection. Our featured presenter, Ron Wacks, spoke on the topic of “Power Networking: Do You Want To Call People or Do You Want People To Call You?”

Ron focused on the key points of networking: how we build trust thru strong relationships for our careers and personal lifestyles. He engaged the large group to think about how strong they are at networking to how strong they are in problem resolution. How we naturally want to help each other connect with others to help with problem solving, job searching or career development.

The scope of good networking was discussed including referrals, follow-up and the art of listening to others. Many examples were cited and discussed and the group left feeling engaged and ready to apply what they had learned.

As in the past, those in attendance were a mix of employed and those who are between jobs. Attendees were from small to large companies and brought a wide range of professional expertise. This new perspective on how we build relationships and how well we stay connected throughout our careers with our contacts was put to use right away as most of the attendees stayed after the presentation and engaged in lively dialogue and networking for nearly an hour.

Tom Colosimo is a Career Coach Specialist in the Opus College of Business.