As the University of St. Thomas community is saddened and shocked by the senseless shootings last weekend in Orlando, we call on our community to recommit itself to the values that we hold so dearly.
These are Catholic values of love, respect and inclusion. Our values call for us to love and respect the dignity of all people as creations of God, regardless of their nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion.
Our values also call for us to work together in unity and insist on an end to tyranny, bigotry and hatred, all of which are unacceptable in any form.
In particular, we stand in support of the LGBTQ+ community. We also find no place for any Islamophobic responses that have emerged in the aftermath of the shootings.
As always, our doors are open for conversations with you, and the university stands ready to help anyone in these challenging times. Please do not hesitate to contact Counseling and Psychological Services, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Diversity and Inclusion Services, or Campus Ministry.
Dr. Julie Sullivan is the president of the University of St. Thomas, and Dr. Artika Tyner is the associate vice president for diversity and inclusion.