The University of St. Thomas is greatly saddened by the loss of life this week as a result of shootings involving police officers in Minnesota, Texas and Louisiana. We share in the grief felt throughout our nation and our local community.
The tragic deaths of Philando Castile here in the Twin Cities, Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and five police officers in Dallas serve as unfortunate reminders that our society can fail in respecting the dignity of all people and in loving all.
We must stand together and engage in efforts to build a more united community that is committed to creating a just and inclusive world. A university such as St. Thomas can make a valuable contribution through engaging in critical dialogue inside and outside the classroom, increasing intercultural understanding, fostering mutual respect, building bridges across differences and promoting community engagement. We will bring together faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends this fall for discussions on our individual and collective responsibilities.
In the meantime, we urge everyone to recommit themselves to our Catholic values of love, respect and inclusion, and to contact us with your thoughts. Our doors, and those of our Counseling and Psychological Services office, always are open for conversation.
Dr. Julie H. Sullivan, Ph.D
Dr. Artika Tyner, Ed.D, J.D.
Associate vice president for diversity and inclusion