Professional notes
Dr. Dan Carey, Health and Human Performance Department, is the author of a new book, Establishing Credentials for Pitcher Selection to the Hall of Fame. Read more here.
Dr. Camille George, School of Engineering, and Ashley Shams, Modern and Classical Languages Department, were speakers at the second annual Engineers for a Sustainable World Conference, "Solutions for a Shrinking Planet," at Stanford University Sept. 30-Oct. 2. Their presentation, "Design of a Breadfruit Shredder and Dehydrator: A Collaborative Project," was based on their international, interdisciplinary project last spring semester to help people in the Caribbean.
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Service Learning, presented a workshop at the recent meeting of the National Society for Experiential Education in Miami. Titled "The Changing Faces of Minnesota: Working With Immigrants and Refugees," the workshop outlined UST's partnership with Abraham Lincoln High School, a Minneapolis school for immigrant and refugee youth, and the co-curricular and other curricular components of the program.
Dr. Paul Lorah, Dr. David Kelley and Dr. Bob Werner, Geography Department, accompanied their students and alumni to two conferences where students and alumni presented the following papers and posters. At the Minnesota Geographic Information Systems/Land Information Systems conference in St. Cloud: Adam Berland presented "National Wetlands Inventory Data Compared With Current Wetland Coverage in Eden Prairie, Minn."; Nathan Tift, "(In)hospitability in Antarctica"; Kent Treichel, "Dasymetric Tessellation"; and Annie Wiegand, "Fish Kill Advisory Network Spatial Representation of Fish Kill and Manure Spill Data." At the West Lakes Division meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Oshkosh, Wis.: Berland, "Using GIS to Analyze Fish Populations in Shallow Lakes in Western Minnesota"; Kristen Lee, Evaluating the Locations of Red ross Shelters in the Twin Cities Using GIS"; Lorah, "Locating the Buffalo Commons: Using GIS to Site Large-Scale Nature Preserves"; Andrew Moore, Using GIS to Examine the Relationship Between Environmental Amenities and Population Growth"; and Kelley, "A Weather Lab to Explain Climate Normals."
Dr. Mary Reichardt, Catholic Studies , is editor of a new book, Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature, which was published last month by Greenwood Press. The two-volume work consists of substantial essays on 75 major works of Catholic literature from a wide cross-section of eras and countries. These include diverse literary texts such as Dante's Divine Comedy, Teresa of Avila's The Interior Castle, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Caroline Gordon's The Melefactors, Isak Dineson's Babette's Feast, Shusaku Endo's Silence, Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Dorothy Day's The Long Loneliness. The essays were written by expert contributors, including several St. Thomas faculty: Dr. Ray MacKenzie, English Department (on FrançoiseMauriac); Dr. Anne King, Theology Department (on Hildegard of Bingen); and former visiting professor Father Ian Ker (on John Henry Newman). Available in the reference rooms of O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center and the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library, the volumes have been acclaimed by critics as the "definitive" resource in the scholarly area of Catholic literature.
Sister Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, was the featured speaker for Marquette University's Gathering Points Series Sept. 29. Her topic: "Developing a Reconciling Spirit: The Challenge for Church Leaders, Lay and Ordained." The series' purpose is to promote dialogue and communication in the Catholic Church.