Professional notes
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Theology Department and Catholic Studies Department, is the author of an article, "Singing During Communion: Historical Models From the Roman Rite," in the September issue of the journal Assembly (Vol. 31, No. 5, pages 36-40).
Dr. Brenda Kroschel, Mathematics Department, gave a talk, "The Totally Non-Negative Completion Problem," at the Combinatorial Matrix Theory special session of the fall central sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society Oct. 21-23 in Lincoln, Neb.
Dr. Paul Schons, Modern and Classical Languages Department, has had his 100th article on German cultural history published by the Germanic-American Institute. The title of his November article is "Johann, 'the Waltz King,' and the other Strausses of Vienna." Schons has written a monthly article on German cultural history for the institute since 1997.
Sister Katarina Schuth, St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, received the Rev. Louis Luzabtek Award from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. The award is given annually to researchers who have devoted their careers to work on religious topics and distinguished themselves in the conduct of church research. The Most Rev. John Leibrecht, bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, presented the award at ceremonies Oct. 5. At the event Sister Katarina delivered an address, "Crucial Areas for Future Church Research," which will be published in the journal Origins.
Dr. David Welch, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, has been appointed a consulting editor for the Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied. The journal concentrates on work that attempts to integrate divergent data, fields and theories of psychology and related disciplines or analyzes interrelationships of novel populations.
UST student Erin Wickner presented her paper, "Education and Family: How the American Indian has Been Affected by Urbanization," at the Sequoyah Research Symposium sponsored by the American Native Press Archives at the University of Arkansas Oct. 22. Wickner developed her paper in the spring 2005 course SOC 321, Marriages and Families, taught by Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department. Wickner also consulted with Dr. Buffy Smith, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, and Dr. Heid Erdrich, English Department.
Dr. Frederick Zimmerman, School of Engineering, was the keynote speaker at the Manufacturing Week Conference Oct. 18 in Elk River. He spoke on "The Status of Manufacturing in 2005."