Dr. Elise Amel, College of Arts and Sciences (Psychology Department), is the author of two articles: “Teaching and Learning in the Social Context: A Meta-Analysis of Service Learning’s Effects on Academic, Personal, Social, and Citizenship Outcomes,” published in the journal Teaching of Psychology, and “Framing Climate Change Solutions: Get the Numbers Right,” published in the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. Amel also spoke at two conferences: “Tips From Psychology for Empowering Sustainability,” in October during the Northland Bioneers conference at the University of Minnesota, and “Goal Setting Feedback and Environmental Sustainability: The Importance of Making Invisible Information Visible,” in August at the Academy of Management conference in Chicago.
Dr. Cara Anthony, College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), is the author of “Modesty in the Service of Justice: Retrieving Tradition and Reversing the Gaze,” in Horizons, the journal of the College Theology Society, 36/2, 2009.
Dr. Angeline Barretta-Herman was invited to present a paper, “Methodological Challenges of International Research,” Nov. 4 at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand. On the same trip, she travelled to Auckland, New Zealand, where she presented “International Social Work: Why All Social Work Practice Is International,” at the Aoteroa-New Zealand Social Work Educators Conference, and “Issues in International Research: The Case of the 2010 World Census of Social Work Programs” Nov. 11-13 at the Asia Pacific Social Work Conference.
Dr. Sanjeev Bordoloi, Opus College of Business (Decision Sciences Department), is the author of a paper, "Who’s the Real Bottleneck?" published in International Journal of Global Business and Economics, Vol. 2-3, 2009.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), gave an interview last month on the Italian television program “Resti tra noi” on teaching theology, theology and society. "Resti tra noi,” in English, means “Let us keep it to ourselves.”
Dr. Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale, Opus College of Business (Finance Department), presented her paper, “Financial Reporting for Transparency in Capital Sourcing: A Tale of Two Standards From the 18th and 21st Centuries,” Jan 7-9 at the ninth International Business and Economy Conference, held at the University of Economics and Management in Prague, Czech Republic. She served as discussant and chair of the session “Reporting and Disclosure Issues.” Jaiswal-Dale also presented an invited seminar on “Treasury Risk Management” to the executive program in January at Université de Rennes, Institut de Gestion, France.
Dr. David Kelley, College of Arts and Sciences (Geography Department), has been elected to a two-year term as the MN GIS/LIS Consortium Higher Education representative. His responsibilities include representing and promoting the interests of educational entities in the state, maintaining communication with educational user groups and supporting the consortium's scholarship committee. The Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium is a forum for communicating information to, and improving cooperation among, those interested in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Land Information Systems (LIS) in the State of Minnesota. Members include GIS users in local, state and federal government agencies; business and industry; and educational institutions.
Dr. John Martens, College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), is the author of “Do Not Sexually Abuse Children”: The Language of Early Christian Sexual Ethics, in Children in Late Ancient Christianity, edited by Cornelia B. Horn and Robert R. Phenix (Mohr Siebeck, 2009).
Father Steven McMichael, College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), taped an audio lecture series last September in Washington D.C., on Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian dialogue. The series will be available from Now You Know Media.
Dr. Terence Nichols, College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), is the author of two articles published in Ammon News: “What Can Muslims learn from Christian sectarian experiences?” and “Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God, Allah.” Ammon News is the the largest English News Agency in Jordan. According to the chief editor of one of the dailies in Jordan, the king and all embassies read Ammon News first thing every morning.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Opus College of Business (Accounting Department), has been invited to serve as an advisory committee member of the Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues. The committee encompasses a panel of distinguished academics and practitioners from countries around the world. Currently, there are 24 advisory committee members from 12 countries. As a member of the committee, Polejewski will provide advice to the conference organizers and promote the conference. The next conference will be held later this year in Gold Coast, Australia.
Dr. Aaron Sackett, Opus College of Business (Marketing Department), is the lead author of a study, "You're Having Fun When Time Flies,” which was published in the January issue of Psychological Science. The paper reports research findings suggesting that the mere feeling that time has "flown by" can, by itself, increase people's beliefs about how much they enjoyed an experience. Similarly, the feeling that time has "dragged on" can decrease people's perceived enjoyment. His research was mentioned in December on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” and in the Science section of the Jan. 5 New York Times.
Dr. AnnMarie Thomas (School of Engineering) gave the keynote address, “The Joy of Engineering,” Jan. 24 at the E4 (Excellence in Elementary Engineering Education) Conference held at St. Catherine University. Her talk looked at the impact engineering can have on the world, as well as the variety of disciplines and opportunities it encompasses.
Dr. John Wendt, Opus College of Business (Ethics and Business Law Department), is a co-author, with Dr. John Miller of Texas Tech University, of three chapters in A Practical Guide to Sport Management Internships” (Carolina Academic Press, 2010). The chapters are titled, “Safety and Negligence Sport Management Internship Issues,” “Paid Versus Unpaid Sport Management Internship Issues” and “Managing Sport Management Internship Risks: Insurance Issues.”
Dr. Bob Werner, College of Arts and Sciences (Geography Department), gave a talk, “Migration and Demography,” last week at the University of Minnesota. The presentation was given to occupational therapy students to help them understand the cultural backgrounds of their future, foreign patients.