Dr. Bernice Folz and Dr. Bonnie Holte Bennett, Graduate Programs in Software, traveled to Havana, Cuba, May 20-26 for the international Informatica 2000 conference. They each gave presentations for the track titled "VII International Congress of New Technologies and Computer Applications." The conference was sponsored by the University of Havana and the Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverria. Folz's presention was on e-commerce; Bennett gave a presentation on software quality.
Dr. Mel Gray, Graduate School of Business, was local arrangements coordinator for the biennial meeting of the Association for Cultural Economics International, which met May 28-31 at UST's Minneapolis campus. Economists, other social scientists and policymakers from 19 countries heard exchanges among scholars at daily plenary sessions; more than 90 papers were presented at 26 concurrent sessions. A Mississippi River boat cruise and a banquet at the Walker Art Center offered diversions from the daily exchange of research. Gray also presented a paper, "The 1997 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts: Lessons from the 'New Questions.'"
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, led a seminar, "Engaging Physicians in Charge," for the Medical Group Management Association June 4 in Chicago. The seminar was based on Kusy's research on change and leadership efforts in medical organizations. Participants from across the United States included physician executives, clinical practice leaders and hospital CEOs.