Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of three articles: "Il modello Bartoletti nell’Italia mancata" [The Leadership of Msgr. Bartoletti in Italy in the 1970s], published in Cristiani d’Italia. Chiese, società, Stato 1861-2011 [Christians in Italy. Churches, Society, State 1861-2011], edited by Alberto Melloni (Roma: Treccani, 2011); “The Neocatechumenate and Communion in the Church,” published in the spring issue of Japan Mission Journal; and “Le Régime Synodal Comme Mode de Gouvernement Dans l’Église” [The Synodal Governance as a Way to Govern the Church], published in the September-December 2010 Cahiers de Spiritualité Ignatienne.
Dr. Pamela Nice, Center for Faculty Development, and Dr. Khalid Bekkaoui of the University of Fes, Morocco, are co-leaders of a nine-month American/Moroccan project called Documentary Film Making: Theory and Practice. The project was funded by the Moroccan Fulbright Alumni Association of Morocco. Nice will teach documentary theory and practice to University of Fes students in a graduate English program. Moroccan filmmakers will collaborate as lab advisers. The students will create short documentaries based on their experiences as youths in Morocco, and a website will be created to display their works.
Dr. Edward Ulrich, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, had a paper, “Poetic Influences on the Development of Aurobindo’s Spiritual and Nationalistic Convictions,” published in the International Journal of Hindu Studies.
Dr. Scott Wright, History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, wrote an essay, “Soichiro Honda” (the automobile manufacturer), that was published in Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy (Salem Press, 2011).