Dr. Mark DelCogliano, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of Works on the Spirit: Athanasius the Great and Didymus the Blind; Athanasius’ Letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit and Didymus' On the Holy Spirit, Popular Patristics Series 43 (Yonkers: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2011); translated with an introduction and annotations by DelCogliano, Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, and Lewis Ayres.
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Catholic Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, gave the Sophia Award lecture, "Heavenly Harmonies in Human Habitats: Composing for the Church," Feb. 12, at the Washington Theological Union. He also gave a lecture-demonstration titled "New Musical Settings of the New English Translation of the Order of Mass" as a benefit for the Lay Centre at Visitation convent Feb. 15, in Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Mike Klein, Justice and Peace Studies program, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article, “Online Partnerships for Human Rights Education Praxis,” that will be published in the March issue of Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice. The article describes the partnership between his Conflict Resolution class and the New Tactics in Human Rights Project at the Center for Victims of Torture. His class has engaged in an online dialogue with human rights practitioners around the world − on militarization in 2010, and on extractive-resource based conflicts in 2011. In April 2012, his Conflict Resolution class will begin the next dialogue on New Tools and Tactics for Reconciliation. All are welcome to view and participate in this dialogue.
Dr. Gerald Schlabach, Theology Department and Justice and Peace Studies program, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article, “Love the Enemy in Your Pew,” which is part of series of articles titled What Will You Take Up: Suggestions for Action and Reflection During Lent, America Magazine, Vol. 206, No. 5, Feb 20, 2012.
Dr. Ivancica Schrunk, History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a paper, “The Late Roman and Early Byzantine Adriatic: Seaborne Trade and Island Archaeology,” at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, held Jan. 5-8, in Philadelphia. Her paper was a part of the colloquium “Sailing Away From Byzantium.”
Dr. John Wendt, Opus College of Business, and Dr. John Miller of Troy University and Nick Potter, ATC of the Kansas City Chiefs, are the co-authors of an article titled “A Study Of Concussion Assessments And Return-To-Play Standards In Intercollegiate Football: Implications For Athletic Administrators,” which has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision.