In addition to spending countless hours doing the work required to engage students in the classroom, faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences spend a like number of hours engaged in the work of their disciplines. During the 2009-2010 academic year CAS faculty published 15 books, including those featured in Off the Press. In addition, they contributed chapters to 47 other books including:
Carol Bruess, Debra Petersen and Kevin Sauter (all Communication and Journalism), (2010). “Service-Learning in the Study Abroad/Away-from-Campus Communication Context: Lessons, Experiences, and Practical Wisdoms from the Hawaiian Ke Kula Ni’ihau O Kekaha School Projects” in D. Worley (Ed.), Best Practices in Experiential and Service-Learning in Communication (pp. 229-236). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt.
Kris Bunton and Wendy Wyatt (both Communication and Journalism), (2010). “The Ethics of Speaking Out” in H. Good and S. Borden (Eds.), The Ethics of Entertainment (pp. 9-22). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
Stephen Laumakis (Philosophy), (2010). “Finding the (Fair) Way with Confucius and Ben Hogan” in A. Wible (Ed.), Golf and Philosophy – Lessons from the Links (pp. 33-48). Lexington, Ky.: The University Press of Kentucky.
Amy Muse (English), (2010). “The Great Drama of the Revival of Liberty: Philhellenic Drama of the 1820s” in G. Angeletti (Ed.), Emancipation, Liberation and Freedom: Romantic Drama and Theatre in Britain, 1760-1830 (pp. 127-146). Parma, Italy: Monte Università Parma.
Lorina N. Quartarone (Modern and Classical Languages), (2009). “Exploring Tragic Love Stories through the Ages: Love and Longing” in T. Tunberg and M. Minkova (Eds.), Latin for the New Millenium (Vol. 2) (pp. 62-66). Mundelein, Ill.: Bolchazy Carducci.
Lisa K. Waldner (Sociology and Criminal Justice), Sikka, A., and Vaden-Goad, L. (2010). “Authentic Self-Expression: Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture” in D. C. Jack and A. Ali (Eds.), Cultural Perspectives on Women’s Depression: Self-Silencing, Psychological Distress and Recovery (pp. 261-284). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
CAS faculty, often with student co-authors, published 116 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including:
Elise Amel, Christine Manning, Britain Scott (all Psychology) and Jacob Forsman (UST ’10), (2009). “Framing Climate Change Solutions: The Importance of Getting the Numbers Right.” International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 1 (4), 326-339.
Dan Carey (Health and Human Performance), German Pliego (Computer and Information Sciences) and Katelyn Aase (UST ’09), (2010). “The Effect of Breathing Cold Air during Exercise on Pulmonary Function.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (8), 2172-2178
Jayna Ditty (Biology) and Philip Rolnick (Theology), (2010). “Keeping Faith: Evolution and Theology.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 13 (2), 132-152.
Bruce Gleason (Music), (2009, April). “Cavalry and Court Trumpeters and Kettledrummers from the Renaissance to the Nineteenth Century.” Galpin Society Journal, 62, 31-54.
Adam Green, Paul Ohmann (both Physics), Nicholas Leininger (UST ’11) and James Kavanaugh (UST ’08), (2010, January). “Polarization Imaging and Insect Vision.” The Physics Teacher, 48 (1), 17-20.
Patrick Jarvis, Mari Heltne, (both Computer and Information Sciences) Jeff Jalkio, Martin Johnston (both Physics) and Chris Greene (School of Engineering), (2010). “Creating a First Year Problem Solving and Programming Course for Engineers andScientists.” Computers in Education Journal, 1 (2), 72-79.
Adam Kay (Biology), Thomas Marsh (Chemistry), Taylor Zumbusch (UST ’10), Justa Heinen (UST ’08) and Holway, D. A. (2010). “Nutrition and Interference Competition Have Interactive Effects on the Behavior and Performance of Argentine Ants.”Ecology, 91, 57-64.
John Kronen and Sandra Menssen (both Philosophy), (2010). “The Defensibility of Zoroastrian Dualism.” Religious Studies, 46, 185-205.
Arijit Mazumdar (Political Science), (2009). “Deregulation of the Airline Industry in India: Issues, Causes and Rationale.” Indian Journal of Political Science, 70 (2), 451-469.
J. Roxanne Prichard (Psychology), Brian Reider (UST ’08), Lund, H. G., and Whiting A., (2010). Sleep patterns and Predictors of Disturbed Sleep in a Large Population of College Students.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, 124-132.
Arkady Shemyakin and BrendaTiefenbruck (both Mathematics), (2009). “Community-Oriented Projects in Calculus-Based Statistics Courses.” Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 4 (4), 253-264.
Heather Shirey (Art History), (2009). “Transforming the Orixás: Candomblé in Sacred and Secular Spaces in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.” African Arts, 42 (4), 62-79.
CAS faculty obtained 18 new external grants, totaling over $3.3 million, to support their future work including:
Thomas Ippoliti, Thomas Marsh, William Ojala and Bart Dahl (all Chemistry), (2010). MRI-R2: Acquisition of a 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer. National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Grant. ($246,000).
Kyle Zimmer (Biology), Kevin Theissen (Geology), Cotner, J. and Edlund, M. (2009). Burial of organic carbon in temperate, shallow lakes. National Science Foundation Collaborative Research Grant (RUI), ($1,212,103).
CAS faculty also published poems, short stories, encyclopedia entries, and scholarly reviews, and were involved in dozens of artistic performances. They presented, often in collaboration with students, nearly 300 academic papers at conferences, universities and other professional venues across the country and around the world. Some of those highlights include:
Matthew George (Music), (2010, April). Music director for Grand Symphonic Winds, Shanghai International Music Festival. Shanghai, China.
Craig Marcott (Economics) and Paul Armstrong (UST ’11), (2010, March). “Game Theoretic Simulations of Responses to the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis.” Presentation at the International Atlantic Economic Association Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Jennifer McGuire, Erik Smith (both Geology), Lucas Olson (UST ’11), Cozzarelli, I. M., and Kneeshaw, T. K. (2010). “Hydrocarbon Biodegradation at the Mixing Interface Between Contaminated Groundwater and Wetland Sediments Under Nitrate Reducing and Methanogenic Conditions.” 2010 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs: Joint Meeting, North Central and South Central, 42 (2), 107.
Leslie Miller (English), (2010). “Sundays When Their Laps Were Full of Light” in T. Bowman and E. B. Johnson (Eds.), The Ice Breaks, the Wind Blows: Poems of Loss and Renewal by Minnesota Poets (p. 48). Minneapolis: Nodin Press.
Mary Reichardt (Catholic Studies), (2010, June). “Catholic Literature.” Keynote address at Catholicism and Public Culture Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Susan Smith-Cunnien (Sociology and Criminal Justice), Breanna Alston (UST ’11), and Jacqlyn Pavek (UST ’11), (2010). “Preliminary Assessment of the Borko Seed Potato Pilot Project.” Report for Mali Agribusiness Center, Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER), and Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (IPR/IFRA). Bamako, Mali.
Kris Wammer (Chemistry), Matthew Slattery (UST ’11), and Amanda Stemig (UST ’10), (2010, March). “Analysis of the Antibacterial Properties of Tetracycline Photoproducts Using Vibrio Fischeri Bioluminescence and Growth Tests.” Presentation at the American Chemical Society Spring 2010 National Meeting. San Francisco
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