Purchasing office offers tips for purchasing goods, services
From Purchasing Services
Below are some tips and tricks when purchasing goods or services for the University of St. Thomas. Click on UST Purchasing Policy and Contract Policy for reference.
Purchasing goods and services
- Purchasing Services must review and sign all contracts and agreements, including agreements for speakers and performers.
- Check with internal resources first, including Gainey Conference Center (retreats and conferences), Service Center (printing, copying, etc.), Catering (on-campus events) and Web and Media Services.
- For purchases of office supplies, travel, courier service, floral, coffee, drinking water, print, advertising specialty and apparel categories, UST-preferred vendors must be used. See the Policies, Vendor Links and Contracts Web site.
- Technology purchases must go through IRT; for more information e-mail irtpurchase@stthomas.edu.
- Furniture purchases must go through Physical Plant.
- Check with Purchasing Services to see if there is a consortium contract that meets your needs. UST has access to ACTC (Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities), E&I (Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing), US Communities and State of Minnesota (new) contracts. These contracts take advantage of volume discounts when many institutions use the same vendors.
Be careful not to inadvertently commit UST to an agreement with a potential vendor (including speakers and performers) by a verbal, electronic or written confirmation of vendor terms. When negotiating with vendors, use the following or similar language to ensure you’re not accidentally finalizing an agreement when you don’t have the authority and/or intention of doing so.
- I’m doing preliminary research for the purchase
of _____________. - I like your product/service best but must have our Purchasing Services department review the contract before a final commitment can be made.
For more information, contact Purchasing Services, (651) 962-6310.