Quarter Century Club inductees: Top row, from left to right: Tom Hodgson, Father Dennis Dease, president of the university, Don LaMagdeleine, Tom Mega, Tony Erickson and MaryLou Schmidt. Bottom row: Jerry Schwartz, Jeanne Buckeye, Brenda Powell, Janet Gould, Sister Paul Therese Saiko, Theresa Namusisi and Gayle Lamb. Not pictured: Linda Halverson, Helen Hunter, Marcos Macias, Richard Schuler, Glenn Sherer, Jane Spatenka, Roger Stowell and and Heekyung Youn.
Twenty employees of the University of St. Thomas were inducted into the Quarter Century Club on Sept. 30, celebrating their 25 years of service to St. Thomas.
Father Dennis Dease, president of the university, inducted the new members. A video salute, shown at the induction, can be viewed here.