On- and off-campus resident students: When packing for moving day, many reusable items often get discarded. If it’s reusable, it has value – please recycle.
Not only can students help in the effort to keep landfills from filling up more quickly than necessary but also others are helped when reusable, unwanted items are recycled. Last spring the end-of-school clothing drive collected more than two tons of clothing and other items that were given to Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul and neighboring local charities.

Recycling containers, such as this, marked for clothing and unwanted personal items are located near the main entrances in all residence halls.
Recycling containers marked for clothing and unwanted personal items are located near the main entrances in all residence halls. Pitch in and put unwanted clothing and household items in the containers and not in the dumpster.
Off-campus residents are encouraged to drop off reusable, unwanted items at any of the resident bin locations or at the Recycling Center in the Physical Plant.
Clothing should be clean and dry. Other usable items such as household goods, clocks, hairdryers, drying racks, irons, electronics, packs, books, school supplies, etc., also will be collected. Look for bins in several locations that are marked for nonperishable food items for donation to local food shelves.
2012 marks the 15th year that the University of St. Thomas has collected clothing, food, books and other items during the annual move-out. “Thanks for keeping it up,” says Bob Douglas, UST recycling coordinator, “and helping us reallocate these needed resources while keeping ‘good stuff’ out of our dumpsters and county landfills.”
This recycling effort is sponsored by the Recycling Team, Residence Life, the Physical Plant, and Business 200. For more information email Douglas.