St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has declared Dec. 15, 2014, "Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas – BUSN200 Program Day" in the city of St. Paul.
BUSN200 is a tuition-free, noncredit service-learning course that is required of all business majors and minors. Students contribute more than 35,000 service hours annually at more than 500 community partners, including the St. Paul Public Library, Caring Bridge and Project for Pride in Living.
Barbara Gorski, Ph.D, BUSN200 center director said, "This honor recognizes the sheer numbers of hours of service, organizations served and global involvements of this program began in 1991."
St. Thomas staff, students and faculty are invited to stop by the BUSN200 center in McNeely Hall, Room 215, between 2-4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 15, to celebrate with cookies and hot chocolate. Students’ "Final Reflection" projects showcasing the service that has been done this semester will be on display.
Mayor Coleman's proclamation reads as follows.
The Opus College of Business at the University of Saint Thomas
BUSN200 Proclamation
WHEREAS, undergraduate business students in the Opus College of Business at the University of Saint Thomas through the Business 200 Program have completed over 1.1 million hours of service to the Twin Cities communities and globally.
WHEREAS, since the start of the Business 200 Program in the fall of 1991 more than 26,000 undergraduate business students have served at more 3500 nonprofits within the United States, especially within the Twin Cities and in 34 countries internationally.
WHEREAS, these University of St. Thomas business students have been working together with schools, nonprofit organizations and community partners.
WHEREAS, these undergraduate business students have found their own lives and those they have served to have been immensely affected.
WHEREAS, these St. Thomas students have partnered with adults and youth, social service organizations, business leaders, and elected officials in a common enterprise.
FINALLY, WHEREAS, these Opus College of Business undergraduate students have embraced the philosophy that for businesses and communities to thrive they must collaborate for the common good.
Now, Therefore, I, Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby proclaim Monday, December 15, 2014, to be:
UST’s Opus College of Business - BUSN200 Service through Learning Day
in the City of Saint Paul.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Saint Paul to be affixed this Fifteenth Day in the Year Two Thousand Fourteen.
Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor