The Association for Strategic Planning presents “Strategic Management: Sustainable Competitive Advantage” at its breakfast series presentation on Thursday, Nov. 17. Ted Vecchio, executive consultant for P4 Management and Performware Learning, will give a dynamic, highly interactive presentation that initiates planning and action – before participants leave the building.

Ted Vecchio
Vecchio notes that strategic management is one of the only three business practices consistently followed by industry and sector leaders. Practicing strategic management enables an organization to define its future, carve out a competitive market position, and establish a tiered, multiplan approach to close the gap between today and the future. It provides a vibrant roadmap, responsive to the changing environment that aligns operational processes, prevents wasted effort, focuses scarce resources and ensures that all stakeholders are “playing from the same sheet of music.”
Participants will be given a special handout, white paper and proprietary assessment tool to use as they learn how to implement three key action elements to help turn their planning practices into best practices that realize their full potential:
- Assess overall planning efforts against the best practice Pyramid of Planning.
- Identify one planning structure to deploy this year that will dramatically increase planning effectiveness.
- Apply an accurate forward-thinking assessment tool that can anticipate market problems before they occur and develop a proactive remedy.
Registration begins at 7 a.m. followed by breakfast and networking. The presentation and discussion will be held from 7:45 to 9 a.m. in Room 201, Opus Hall, on the university’s Minneapolis campus.
Cost of the breakfast presentation:
- $25 – students and members
- $35 – nonmembers
- $40 – at the door
With more than 25 years of consulting and training experience, Vecchio assists visionary executives to develop innovative, customer-focused, high-performing organizations. He has facilitated the assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation of 200 plus strategic planning and organizational transformation and change initiatives in more than 20 countries.
He began his career in Japan in 1981 while researching Japanese innovation and Hoshin Kanri (planning) with Dr. Ishikawa and Dr. Kano. Since then Dr. Gary McLean, Chris Argryis, Dr. Jay Forrester and others have helped to fully develop his knowledge of many subject areas. Vecchio is an avid traveler and collector who lives with his wife and three kids in Rogers, Minn.
To register or for more information visit the Association for Strategic Planning website or call (952) 457-6396.