The Strategic Planning Steering Committee, in consultation with the President’s Senior Staff, would like to announce the seven working goals for the University’s Strategic Planning Process:
- One University
- Excellence in Learning and Student Engagement
- Excellence in Teaching and Professional Engagement
- Catholic Mission
- Diversity and Inclusive Culture
- Globalization
- Operational Excellence
Read the full description of each of these goals here.
The community has been invited to two public discussions of these goals on Feb. 10 and 20. In addition, the goals will be discussed at the Faculty Senate meeting from noon to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, in Anderson Student Center Room 378B .
The steering committee is beginning the process of forming seven subcommittees which will craft specific outcomes and initiatives related to each theme. Each subcommittee will be charged with gathering information necessary to formulate those outcomes, including soliciting input from the UST community.
Each subcommittee will have six to eight members. Those will include faculty already solicited by the CFNE as well as at least two members from the steering committee. The other members of the committee will be chosen to reflect a broad representation of the university while taking into consideration the particular needs of each committee.
To achieve this representation, we are soliciting nominations for each of the subcommittees. These nominations should include the name of the person being nominated as well as some brief information regarding the nominee’s prospective contributions to the committee. People can nominate themselves or others. These can also include alumni or people from outside St. Thomas where appropriate.
Nominations should be sent to either Mike Cogan or Corrine Carvalho by Friday, Feb. 14. Final decisions will be made by the steering committee as a whole.