The Bunch Who Lunch returns Feb. 20
Remember the Bunch Who Lunch? Well, they're back. This group of St. Thomas faculty and staff gathers for food, socializing and meeting other St. Thomas employees. All faculty and staff are welcome to join.
The group will meet at noon Tuesday, Feb. 20, in the Rogge Room on the north end of Murray-Herrick Campus Center's second floor. A soup and salad luncheon will be served. Cost is $8 or you're welcome to bring your own lunch.
Reservations are due Wednesday, Feb. 14. Send your name to Ann Hale, Mail #JRC 241. Payments (checks made payable to UST) may be sent with your reservation or will be accepted at the luncheon. Let Hale know if you will bring your own lunch or prefer a vegetarian meal.
Questions? Call Hale, (651) 962-5350; Jo Ann Toussaint, (651) 962-5409; or Gina Zitzer, (651) 962-5030.