The Physical Plant main office will close at noon today
The Physical Plant main office will be closing at noon today, Tuesday, Jan. 30, so the staff can attend the funeral of Shirley Dubbels. More information appears below.
The rest of the Physical Plant Department will be open.
Emergencies should be directed to Public Safety.
A Bulletin Update about Shirley Dubbels was sent via e-mail yesterday. Here is a reprint of the information:
Please remember in your prayers Shirley Dubbels, wife of Dick Dubbels, who for 25 years has been the construction manager at the University of St. Thomas.
Shirley was recovering from recent surgery and died unexpectedly late Friday, Jan. 26.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 30, at the White Funeral Home at 901 Third St., Farmington. Visitation will be held there from noon to 2 p.m. that day. The number for the White Funeral Home is (651) 463-7374.