A discussion for faculty and staff with Edgar S. Cahn, J.D., Ph.D., creator of time dollars and the time banking concept, and author of No More Throw-Away People: the Co-Production Imperative, will be held Wednesday, April 6.

Dr. Edgar S. Cahn
The discussion, sponsored by the Office for Service-Learning, Faculty Development, Justice and Peace Studies, the School of Law, the School of Social Work, and the Sociology Department, will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Fireside Room, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
Time banking involves individuals spending time doing something for someone else or working for justice in their community. Time contributed is recorded in a Time Bank as time dollars or credits. In turn, individuals can spend these credits on having someone do something for them. Co-Production starts with the idea that community services are likely to be successful only when the intended recipients are engaged as valued partners to change their lives and communities.
Time banking and co-production, in essence, form a second economy and embody the following core principles:
- Every human being has something to contribute. The real wealth of society is its people.
- Some work is beyond price – work has to be redefined to value whatever it takes to raise healthy children, build strong families, revitalize neighborhoods, make democracy work, advance social justice, and make the planet sustainable.
- Reciprocity – helping works better as a two-way street. The question: “How can I help you?” needs to change so we ask: “How can we help each other build the world in which we will both live?”
- We need each other. Networks are stronger than individuals. Infrastructure that supports connections with one another is as important as roads, bridges, and utility lines.
Service-learning and various professions often speak of reciprocity and assets-based community development that utilizes the gifts of individuals and community assets to address problems rather than just relying on professionals to do this work.
Faculty and staff are invited to attend Cahn's presentation to learn more about these concepts and ways to be more effective in promoting these ideas with students.
To R.S.V.P. or for more information contact Barb Baker, Service-Learning Program Manager, (651) 962-5380.