UST Libraries celebrates National Library Week, April 14-17
From UST Libraries
Here is a list of events planned for the week of April 14-17 to celebrate National Library Week. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week brings to light the contributions that all types of libraries – school, public, academic and special – make in individuals' lives.
Daily online Trivia Contest – In keeping with the yearlong celebration of the 50th anniversary of the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, reference librarian Eric Kallas has come up with four questions having to do with libraries and the year 1959 – one for each day of the week. One winner will be chosen from those who send in correct answers by the daily deadline. Check the Libraries Web page for the Trivia Contest rules and questions.
What's happening at the Charles J. Keffer Library in Minneapolis?
- Come to the annual Library Week Book Sale during regular library hours each day this week at the Charles J. Keffer Library. If you are tired of staring at clean, empty bookshelves after rigorous spring cleaning, stop by the sale to restock your home or office library.
- Everyone is invited to Noon Conversation with Donna Nix at noon Wednesday, April 15, in the Charles J. Keffer Library, Room 111 of Opus Hall. Along with being a reference librarian, Dix also manages the UST Children's literature collection. She will make recommendations for great choices of children's books for all ages, answer questions, and introduce the 2009 award-winning children's and young adult books. This event is free and light desserts and beverages will be provided.
- Library staff from the Keffer Library will host the fourth annual Bookend Classic miniature golf tournament Thursday, April 16, on the Minneapolis campus. This is no longer the only downtown skyway golf tournament, but it is the original one. This year, the hours of the tournament have been extended to better accommodate schedules, so please drop in anytime from noon to 4 p.m. at the Keffer Library to pick up your putter and get in practice for the start of golf season. A "valuable" prize will be awarded for the lowest individual score – or consider this a chance to work on "team building" and play with a group. Questions? Call Andrea Koeppe, (651) 962-4647.
Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library – St. Paul
Browse and shop the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library Book Sale anytime during library hours, except today, Tuesday, April 14, when members of the UST community can enjoy an earlier opening at 7:45 a.m. to accommodate those with early classes. The book sale is open to the public and booksellers beginning Wednesday, April 15. There will be a great selection of used theology books and the chance to make bids on the items in the silent auction. The auction includes theological and reference books, and this year there also will be card catalog cabinets, both antique wooden ones and some of the durable plastic modern design. The auction ends at noon Friday, April 17. If you have any questions about the Ireland Library, call Betsy Polakowski, (651) 962-5452.
O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
Here are the events this week:
- Library Week at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center will open with Dominoes Demo! With this being Library Week, when we say "dominoes," we really mean used books – they stack and fall just the same. Come to the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center at 11:50 a.m. today, Tuesday, April 14, and kick-off this year's Library Week. Watch for the dramatic "bump" to the dominoes carefully placed at the entrance and leading to the book sale.
- Crossword and seek-and-find puzzles – Take a break and have some fun while learning a little about the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library with these homegrown word games. Thanks to creative library staff, there are two levels of difficulty from which to choose – try them both! Stop by the reference desk on the first floor of the library and pick up an entry. Drop off your completed word puzzles. Everyone who completes them correctly will be entered into a drawing that will take place at 3 p.m. Friday. (Hint: find background for the words in the seek-and-find puzzle in the library's 50th Anniversary Timeline.) The winner need not be present to win.
- The O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Week book sale from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday in the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center is open today, Tuesday, April 14, exclusively for members of the St. Thomas community, then open to the public at noon Wednesday through the end of the week. Come find great bargains and little treasures just outside the O'Shaughnessy Room, Room 108. This year, there is a large selection of books withdrawn from the literature section of the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library and some nice surprises that are specially priced. If you have any questions about the book sale, call Julie Kimlinger, (651) 962-5014.
- Last January, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library staff members held a well-attended open house for UST staff members where they could ask any questions about library resources and services. The library is holding another open house for all UST community members, especially members of Dining Services and Physical Plant, to find out what the library can offer. This event will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. today, Tuesday, April 14, in the New Book area located at the south end of the Reference Room near the book sale. If you have a question about this event or have a question and cannot attend, contact Shiromi Beach, (651) 962-5407.
- Students, don't be stressed about assignments. Get help from the "roving librarian who carries a laptop" and get answers to your questions and great tips on how to find the answers yourself. Find a roving librarian during the noon hour today, Wednesday and Thursday of Library Week in the Commuter Lounge, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Bring your research dilemmas and find out how to take advantage of the library's resources, even when you're not in the library. You can do so much if you just know the tricks. Call Eric Kallas, (651) 962-5013, with any questions.
- Food for Fines Program – During Library Week, St. Thomas library patrons will have the opportunity to donate canned food in exchange for the waiving of library fines at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey and Ireland libraries. This program will help patrons relieve their debt to the library and provide needed assistance to the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, a local food bank. One can equals $2 in fines and there is a limit of $50. Food will be accepted for overdue fines only, not for lost or damaged items and library staff members have the right to decline food donations, including damaged packaging or dented cans. Questions? Call Nathan Wunrow, (651) 962-5498, or Judith Michalski, (651) 962-5456, for more details.
- Are you good at looking for stuff and enjoy the thrill of the hunt? Want to win a prize? Then take a qu
ick break from studying and take part in a scavenger hunt Wednesday, April 15, in the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. There will be three scavenger hunts. Pick up a clue sheet at the circulation desk during one of these three hunts: 10-10:50 a.m., 11-11:50 a.m., and 1:10-2 p.m. To win a prize: Follow the clues for locations throughout the library, pick up a sticker or get stamped at each location, and be the first person or group to complete the hunt. Questions? Call Earl Belisle, (651) 962-5004, or Beach, (651) 962-5407, for more details. - Music in the Library – The O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center is thrilled to invite the campus community to this noon event Wednesday during Library Week. Hear Larry McDonough, adjunct professor at the St. Thomas School of Law and accomplished jazz pianist (visit his Web site). Be there at noon and bring a lunch if you wish – beverages and a light dessert will be provided. Call Kimlinger for more information at (651) 962-5014.
- Everyone is invited to the UST Authors Open House and Reception at 4 p.m. Thursday, April 16, in the O'Shaughnessy Room, Room 108. This year's event will feature more than 100 members of the UST community who will showcase their publications from the past year. Stop by and congratulate faculty and staff colleagues on their work and browse the display prepared by O'Shaughnessy-Frey librarian Susan Price. Bibliographies will be available and refreshments will be provided. Questions? Call Price at (651) 962-5011 for details.
- Take part in history by participating in the first annual O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center Mini Golf Tournament from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, April 17. Preregistration for a tee time is not necessary, simply show up to pick up a putter and start swinging. The course will run through the reference collection and there will be a fun surprise on the last hole. (Hint: you can bring your avatar.) A "valuable" prize will be awarded for the lowest individual and group score. Questions? Call Diane Knights, (651) 962-5026.
Visit the UST Libraries Web page for another handy listing of St. Thomas' Library Week events.