UST in the News for April 1, 2014

College of Arts and Sciences

“Increasingly common phrases are commonly misunderstood,” Star Tribune, March 17. Psychology professor Ryan Bremner is quoted.

“U of M researchers make Big Bang breakthrough,” KMSP, March 18. Physics professor Paul Ohmann is quoted.

“Olson Engage wins top PR honors,” Star Tribune, March 21. Communication and Journalism professor John Purdy is quoted.

“Good Question: Why Do We Get So Attached To Television Characters?” WCCO, March 24. Communication and Journalism professor Kevin Sauter is quoted.


Opus College of Business

“2014′s Best Cities to Start a Business,” WalletHub, March 2013. Entrepreneurship professor David Deeds is quoted.

“How RCV could help take some of the money out of political campaigns,” MinnPost, March 17. Commentary by chair of the National Institute of Health Policy Dave Durenberger.

“Suburban clinics moving closer to East Metro commercial hubs,” Star Tribune, March 15. Director of real estate programs Herb Tousley is quoted.

“Online room-sharing sites create boarders without borders,” Star Tribune, March 17. Tousley is quoted.

“Outside Consultant: Go where the fish are,” Star Tribune, March 16. Marketing professor Jon Seltzer is quoted.

“Robotics' growth produces big business for Minnesota, big concerns about use,” MinnPost, March 17. The Norris Institute at the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship is mentioned.

“Outside Consultant: Reading his tea leaves,” Star Tribune, March 23. Management professor John Mirocha is quoted.

“Despite bad weather, Twin Cities home prices rise,” Star Tribune, March 25. Tousley is quoted.

“Edina luxury home to benefit UST students,” Finance and Commerce, March 27. Tousley is quoted.

“Outside Consultant: Financial statements,” Star Tribune, March 30. Accounting professor Kristian Mortenson is quoted.

“Small Business: Succession market is booming, baby,” Star Tribune, March 30. Entrepreneurship professor Ritch Sorenson is quoted.


School of Engineering

“East African countries are dealing with the impacts of climate change,” The Guardian, March 17. Commentary by St. Thomas students Lauren Vallez and Denis Bazalirwa.

“First Climate Article On Nate Silver’s Data Website Uses ‘Deeply Misleading’ Data, Top Climatologists Say,” Climate Progress, March 19. Engineering professor John Abraham is quoted.

“Gedney Tuttle led M.A. Gedney pickle company,” Star Tribune, March 24. Professor emeritus Fred Zimmerman is quoted.

“WSI Industries stock rises 6 percent after second-quarter earnings triple,” Star Tribune, March 25. Zimmerman is quoted.

“Business Forum: Minnesota's homegrown prosperity,” Star Tribune, March 30. Commentary by Zimmerman.

School of Law

“Good Question: Why Isn’t Seafood Considered Meat?” WCCO, March 13. School of Law professor Charles Reid is quoted.

“Archdiocese Begins Handing over Church Files on Accused Priests,” KSTP, March 31. School of Law professor Charles Reid is quoted.

“Racial Equity Justice Day at the Capitol a multicultural rally,” Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, March 12. School of Law professor Artika Tyner is mentioned.

“Chicago-area nuns weigh in on Pope's first anniversary,” Chicago Public Media, March 13. School of Law professor Charles Reid is quoted.

“End Minnesota’s high prison phone rates,” Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, March 13. Commentary by School of Law professor Artika Tyner.

“Minnesota Appeals Court upholds warrantless DWI test,” Star Tribune, March 17. School of Law director of academic achievement Scott Swanson is quoted.

“It's time for a paradigm shift in public education,” MinnPost, March 28. Commentary by School of Law professor Nekima Levy-Pounds.



“College Student Making Strides After Being Hit By Car,” WCCO, March 14.

“NerdScholar Favorites: St. Patrick’s Day Traditions,” Nerd Wallet, March 17. Events sponsored by the Center for Irish Studies are highlighted.

“MacCarthy wins $5,000 O’Shaughnessy Award for Poetry,” Irish Times, March 14. The Center for Irish Studies is mentioned.

“Mayo grad has thrived at St. Thomas,” Rochester Post-Bulletin, March 14. Tommie hockey player Mary Grace Flesher is featured.

“Philanthropy beat: Record $33 billion raised for colleges,” Star Tribune, March 17.

“New Report Looks at Colleges' Return on Investment,” KSTP, March 28.

“On Minnesota campuses, women grabbing leadership roles,” Pioneer Press, March 29. St. Thomas president Julie Sullivan is mentioned.