UST to implement energy-conservation measures
Thanks to all of you from the St. Thomas community who submitted suggestions for ways we might conserve our energy resources this year and into the future. It’s clear everyone understands the challenges we are bound to face this year as energy costs escalate.
We will continue to explore ways to achieve longer term savings in energy consumption and would welcome your further suggestions. Feel free to send them to Charlie Keffer or to me.
In the meantime, the following energy conservation measures are being implemented:
- All thermostats will be set at a maximum of 68 F during the heating season. All thermostats will be set at a minimum of 76 F during the air conditioning/cooling season.
- Between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. all thermostats in facilities that can be controlled by the campus’ energy management system will be set back to 60 F. This would apply to facilities constructed within the last 10 years.
- The temperature setting for all domestic hot water heaters will be 110-120 F.
- The water temperature in campus swimming pools will be maintained below 80 F (swim fast).
- We will continue to add motion detectors in classrooms to control lights.
- We will retrofit lighting in facilities that have T-12 fluorescent fixtures to T-8 fixtures.
- We will strive for more efficient use of our energy management control system throughout the campus.
- We will examine installation of devices on vending machines to reduce continuous operation of their compressors.
- We will strive to provide instructions to building occupants regarding the best procedure for efficient operation of heating systems. In this regard, if you encounter any unusual heating situation in a campus building, which is obviously working against our efforts, please contact the Physical Plant office, (651) 962-6530.
Thank you for your cooperation and these suggestions as we work to conserve our energy resources and reduce our budgetary expenditures beyond what is planned in this area.