Associate Professor of English in Professional Writing Fernando Sanchez has won the 2022 CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Award in the Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical or Scientific Communication category. Sanchez’s winning article, titled “Examining Methectic Technical Communication in an Urban Planning Comic Book,” appeared in Volume 29 Issue 3 of Technical Communication Quarterly.
The awards selection committee noted that “Sánchez contributes a fascinating framework for the field by introducing the Greek concept of methexis, meaning 'participation' to posthumanism and participatory design in technical communication. The article introduces 'participative' design as a way to engage nonhuman and human agents in technical communication genres, extending existing theories while also introducing the field to a new theoretical concept.”
The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) supports and promotes the teaching and study of composition, rhetoric, and communication skills at the college level, both in undergraduate and graduate programs and is a constituent organization within the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
This award recognizes authors in six categories: Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication; Best Original Collection of Essays in Technical or Scientific Communication; Best Article Reporting Qualitative or Quantitative Research in Technical or Scientific Communication; Best Article Reporting Historical Research or Textual Studies in Technical or Scientific Communication; Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical or Scientific Communication; and Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum in Technical or Scientific Communication.