“Stories of Serving and Surviving the Nazis,” a program that was scheduled to take place from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, at the University of St. Thomas, had to be cancelled because of a back injury suffered by one of the program’s two speakers.
Ursula Mahlendorf, author of the recently published memoir, The Shame of Survival: Working Through a Nazi Childhood, is suffering from a back injury and is unable to fly from California to Minnesota to speak at the program.
She and Maria Segal, author of Maria’s Story: Childhood Memories of the Holocaust, were going to discuss their memoirs and their very different experiences of childhood during World War II.
The program had been scheduled to be held in Owens Science Hall on the university’s St. Paul campus. It was sponsored by the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning at St. Thomas and St. John’s University.
The center apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation.