Career information: quick and easy
By Diane Crist
Director, Career Development Center
Anytime you're promised something quick and easy you must ask yourself if it sounds too good to be true. Often services that promise quick completion of your résumé or enhancement of your interviewing skills are nothing more than a list of facts. The Career Development Center's new online audio guides are fast yet comprehensive.
Our streaming audio guides, available from our Web site, are full of valuable career information within three minutes! They feature content related to your career that you can easily and quickly obtain … and retain!
Yes, it is just a click away. The audios are located on the career Web site.
Look for our kickoff event from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, in Campus Square, lower level of Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
The event will be held in conjunction with the Career Development Center’s Pop-in publicity campaign. We will have demonstrations, candy, popcorn, and giveaways. Students, faculty and staff are invited to stop by, listen to samples and ask questions.
The Career Development Center would like to thank IRT, the UST recording studio, and the student and corporate narrators for contributing their time to make this a success.
For more information contact the Career Development Center, (651) 962-6761.