Dr. Carole Chabries will join the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC) as executive director on Thursday, April 1. She brings to the ACTC 15 years of experience developing academic programs, initiatives and cross-institutional relationships as well as a record of working with faculty across the curriculum and with student development staff.

Dr. Carole Chabries
Chabries comes from Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, where she served as assistant dean, serving on both the President’s Council and the university’s strategic planning committee. She began her career working for the Minnesota Humanities Commission and went on to serve as faculty director at Capella University. She earned her master’s degree and her Ph.D. in English literature from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
As executive director, Chabries will play a leading role in articulating and promoting a vision that will guide the development of the ACTC as a premier educational consortium with an identity linked to its urban location.
The ACTC is composed of Augsburg College, Hamline University, Macalester College, St. Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas.