Timothy Smith, senior vice president of the Environmental, Social and Governance Group at Walden Asset Management, will speak on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at an event hosted by the Center for Ethical Business Cultures.
The focus of the talk and a panel discussion to follow is “Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Investing: A New Reality in the Marketplace.”
The event will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Schulze Hall auditorium, located at 1000 LaSalle Ave. in downtown Minneapolis. (Locate Schulze Hall on an interactive campus map with driving and parking information.)
Smith has been described as a “pioneer” and “difference maker” in corporate responsibility, social investment and shareholder advocacy and has been identified as one of the top 100 most influential people in business ethics by Ethisphere. He will talk about his frontline insights into the history of corporate responsibility and social investment. While highlighting pivotal past developments and turning points and giving a state-of-the-field snapshot of the situation today, he will look ahead to suggest the most challenging issues likely to confront business.
Following Smith’s remarks, panelists will share their insights:
- Dr. Katherina Glac – assistant professor at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business
- Trevor Gunderson – vice president, associate general counsel and assistant corporate secretary at General Mills Inc.
- Aditi Vora Mohapatra – sustainability analyst at Calvert Investments
The forum is free and open to the public but reservations are requested no later than Friday, Nov. 5. To register, e-mail the CEBC.