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CELC Professional Notes: Spring 2015

Faculty and Staff

Jean-Pierre Bongila, Ed.D.

  • Bongila led a workshop on Ethical Leadership and the Common Good for SOCIR, a D.R. Congo Oil Company in August 2014
  • Bongila had two presentations: a) Introducing Global Positioning Leadership, and b) Comparing the Conception of the Common Good in Africa and South-East Asia at the International Leadership Association conference (ILA) in San Diego, CA in October 2014.
  • Bongila presented his book Grounded leadership ethics in African Diaspora and election rights and had a speaking engagement on "Student Change of Worldview as a Consequence of Cross-Cultural Experience in Sub-Sahara Africa", at the University of San Francisco, his alma mater in October 2014
  • Bongila is leading EDLD 869 “Leadership in the International Contexts of Cuba” this June 2015.
  • Bongila proposal for EDLD 869 “Leadership in the International Contexts of Brazil (July 2016)” has been approved by ARCIE.

Kathleen (Kate) Boyle, Ph.D.

  • Boyle received a faculty research grant (along with Victoria Svoboda, Ed.D, alumna of the Doctorate in Leadreship program) from College Student Educators International – ACPA. Boyle and Svoboda were selected from over 90 applicants and four peers blind reviewed their proposal, “Faculty Perspectives of Online Graduate Education in Student Affairs Preparation Programs.”
  • Boyle presented a paper at the Ireland International Conference on Education in October 2014 which was published in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Boyle presented a Faculty Summit: Running Preparation Programs with Limited Faculty at the Annual Convention of College Student Educators International – ACPA with colleagues in March in Tampa, Florida.
  • An article submitted by Boyle and colleagues for the premier journal in student affairs, Journal of College Student Development is in press and accepted for publication in early 2016, Socialization to Student Affairs: Early Career Experiences Associated with Professional Identity Development.

William Brendel, Ed.D.

  • Last semester Brendel led an eight-week study, Cultivating Leadership Dharma, to investigate whether a weekly 45 minute meditation practice would significantly improve upon five leadership qualities when compared with a weekly 3 hour graduate level leadership course, which in contrast included theoretical instruction, skills practice, experiential learning. If you’d like to cultivate your own Leadership Dharma, Dr. Brendel has produced several recordings that may be downloaded from UST’s iTunes University, and facilitates a 45m Guided Meditation session every Monday for faculty, staff, and students in MOH 450.
  • Along with Deb DeMeester, Carol Bruess and a host of stakeholders (that included Bruce Kramer himself), Brendel is developing the first Embodied Leadership Awards to honor leaders who “lead the whole person as a whole person.” The awards will presented early in fall 2015, and a call for nominations will occur shortly.
  • In April, Brendel worked with doctoral student May Thao-Shuck as a part of an OD mentoring practicum to help develop a critical reflection framework in a Hong Kong school district for sustainable leadership development.
  • With the help of Master’s student Sangwon Byun, Brendel conducted and is now analyzing research on nationwide demographic attitudes of leading mindfully. The Cultivating Attitudes of Mindful Leadership (CALM) scale contrasts preferences for dealing with organizational challenges, including: beginner’s mind, letting go, non-judgment and acceptance.
  • Brendel is analyzing the results of research he led last semester with UST students who are entering the workforce: identifying the impact of regular meditation on morality and resilience.

Stephen Brookfield, Ph.D.: The third edition of Broofield's book, The Skillful Teacher, has been published by Jossey-Bass.

Kate Caffrey, formerly of UST/CELC’s Tutor Mentor program, was named CELC’s Licensure and Field Placement Manager on January 26. Caffrey’s new role will include continuing on with several aspects of the Tutor Mentor program as well as overseeing the licensure application process for CELC and the field placement processes for the Department of Teacher Education.

Chientzu Candace Chou, Ph.D. has been granted a ulbright U.S. scholar grant to Taiwan. She will be traveling between August 2015 and July 2016. Chou's research will focus on Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Digital Equity Initiatives in Remote Areas in Taiwan.

Deborah (Deb) DeMeester, Ed.D.

  • DeMeester wrote a chapter for Leading Ethically in Schools and Other Organizations by Kramer and Enomoto that was published July 2014. She also did the cover artwork.
  • She instigated and helped to organize UST’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge event in September 2014.
  • DeMeester presented a paper on her ALS research at MQRC in Minneapolis in October 2014 entitled, “Missing the Mark: How a Clinic’s Practice failed to serve.”
  • DeMeester co-presented with colleagues from Bisk Education at the Online Learning Consortium International Conference in Orlando in October 2014. The presentation was titled, “Practice what we teach: Practical Ideas for Critical Reflection in Faculty Development Courses.”
  • She also co-wrote the book chapter “Staging ‘white maleness’ with cops: a diversity training case analysis.”with Don LaMagdeleine. The chapter will appear in the forthcoming Change and Reform in Law Enforcement: Old and New Efforts from Across the Globe.
  • DeMeester presented a paper at the American Association of Behavioral and Social Studies in Las Vegas in February 2015 titled, “The rebirth of community policing: A case study of success,” which is a case study of the Columbia Heights Police Department.
  • Along with Bill Brendel, Carol Bruess and a host of stakeholders (that included Bruce Kramer himself), DeMeester is developing the first Embodied Leadership Awards to honor leaders who “lead the whole person as a whole person.” The awards will presented early in fall 2015, and a call for nominations will occur shortly.

Laurie DuPont assumed the role of CELC Graduation Coordinator on March 23.

Nicole Evans worked with Amy Conwell, a high school art teacher from FAIR, to launch a gallery in Opus Hall displaying her students' artwork. Currently, there are three pieces on display in the Graduate Writing Center, MOH 332.

Kimberly Herrema was recently elected to the UST Exempt Staff Council.

Bruce Gleason, Ph.D., Teacher Education department chair, was published as the author of the invited lead article of a special section in the March 2015 issue of the Music Educators Journal, 101, 37 – 46. Along with drawing on his ongoing military music historical research, some of the article is drawn from his experiences as a euphonium and trombone player with the 298th U.S. Army Band of the Berlin Brigade during the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and ensuing German Reunification. The entire issue is available at

John Holst, Ed.D., received the honor of being chosen by his colleagues in the field to serve as the new Book Review Editor for the Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ) effective September 2015. The AEQ is the research journal of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), the most important professional organization of adult educators in the US. The AEQ is widely considered one of the premier adult education research journals in the English language.

David Jamieson, Ph.D., is participating in a number of new research endeavors, including leading a team of cross-university grad students in project to capture interviews with founders and second generation leaders in organization development. He is also working with Deb Colwill (Trinity International University) and others on research and writing on what scholar-practitioners do, why such roles are valuable and how to educate them. In 2015, he traveled to the Southwest AOM, Forum on Workplace Inclusion, St. Louis ODN, St. Louis ATD and APA conferences. He has a number of publications in press, including:

  • Consulting for Organization Change, Revisited (with Tony Buono and Bob Barnett)
  • “Front-End Work: Effectively Engaging with the Client System” (co-author with Rachel Narel) in Stavros, Rothwell and Sullivan, Practicing Organization Development and Change, 4th Ed. Pfieffer/Wiley
  • The Critical Role of Use of Self in Organization Development Consulting (co-author with Leslie McKnight). In Jamieson, D., Barnett, R. & Buono, A., Consultation for Organization Change, Revisited. Information Age Publishing, Inc.
  • “Exploring the Relationship between HR and OD” (co-author with Bill Rothwell). in Rothwell, Sullivan, Stavros and Sullivan, Practicing Organization Development and Change, 4th Ed. (in press, 2015).
  • “Exploring the Relationship between Change Management and OD” (co-author with Bill Rothwell, Tim Creasey, Gail Severini). in Rothwell, Sullivan, Stavros and Sullivan, Practicing Organization Development and Change, 4th Ed.

Donald R. LaMagdeleine, Ph.D. co-wrote the book chapter “Staging ‘white maleness’ with cops: A diversity training case analysis.” with Deb DeMeester. The chapter will appear in the forthcoming Change and Reform in Law Enforcement: Old and New Efforts from Across the Globe.

Debbie Monson, Ph.D.

  • Presented at the AMTE (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator) Conference on two different topics. For one presentation, Monson collaborated with four others to create a new assignment for secondary preservice mathematics teachers. Monson also presented on the partnership created by the Rational Number Project at the University of Minnesota.
  • Monson worked to build a new program for teacher candidates in secondary math.
  • Monson had a paper accepted by the Science and Children journal highlighting the work of three students that took a summer engineering course with her and Deb Besser, Ph.D.

Sarah Noonan, Ed.D, delivered three papers at two conferences, and also published an article on doctoral pedagogy in an international peer-reviewed journal.

  • Noonan, S. (2015, April). Doctoral pedagogy in stage one: Forming a scholarly Identity. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, (10)1, 2-28.
  • Noonan, S. (2015, March). Group-authored review of literature: Discovering the meaning of scholarship during stage one of doctoral education, a paper presented at the International Conference on Doctoral Education in Orlando, Florida.
  • Noonan, S. (2014, August). Doctoral pedagogy in stage one: Forming a scholarly identity, a paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration at the California State University, Channel Islands, CA.
  • Noonan, S. (2014, August). Group-authored review of literature: Discovering the meaning of scholarship during stage one of doctoral education, a paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration at the California State University, Channel Islands, CA.
  • Creighton, T., & Noonan, S. (2014, August). Forming a virtual center for doctoral education, a facilitated group planning session on the future of doctoral education with NCPEA members at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration at the California State University, Channel Islands, CA.

Tatyana Ramirez, Ph.D., presented a paper titled Enhancing Pedagogy of Personality Assessment: Application of Bloom's Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives at the Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment in Brooklyn, New York on March 6, 2015.

Phil Sievers, an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Special Education, was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the OCALICON autism and disabilities conference.

Muffet Trout, Ph.D., presented a number of papers in 2014-15:

  • Listening to marginalized voices: Cultural relevance in teacher educator practice presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Basford, L. & Trout, M. (2014, November). Resistance, recovery, and transformation: Two white teacher educators’ experiences presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Multicultural Education in Tucson, Arizona.
  • Trout, M. & Basford, L. (2014, October). Collaborating for Cultural Competence: Two Case Studies of Teacher Educator Practice presented at the Midwest Qualitative Research Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Basford, L. & Trout, M. (2014, April). Transforming ourselves and our students: A collaborative effort to understand practice for/in cultural competence presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • OCALICON & Basford, L. (2014, February). Preventing the Shut-Down: Critical Care Pedagogy in Teacher Education presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators in St. Louis, Missouri.

Artika Tyner, Ed.D, M.P.P., J.D.

  • Tyner’s book, The Lawyer as Leader: How to Plant People and Grow Justice, was published by The American Bar Association. The book has been selected as a finalist for the Midwest Book Award in the category of current events/political science. The winner will be announced at a Gala Event on May 13.
  • Tyner has worked to build a new partnership with the Minneapolis Public Schools’ Social Justice Fellows program which focuses on empowering diverse students to lead. She is sharing her research on leadership and social justice advocacy with this group, which now meets at CELC. Tyner serves as an advisor to the group.
  • Tyner was appointed as a 2015 Ms. JD Writer in Residence.
  • Tyner was appointed as a 2015 SSRC Emerging Scholar.

Karen Westberg, Ph.D., received a federally funded, three-year Jacob Javits Grant, one of 10 federal grants awarded across the country this fall. The proposed project, Collaborative Planning: Utilizing a Technical Assistance Collaborative to Upscale the Identification Process and Programming for Gifted At Risk Learners, is being implemented with the Mankato School District.

Current Students and Alumni

Tim Beekman, Ed.S., ’13, is completing his first year as principal of Eden Lake Elementary School in Eden Prairie after serving as a teacher in that district for several years. Tim completed his Ed.S. degree and principal licensure certification while a member of an off campus program based at Lakeville South High School.

Jason Berg, Ed.S., ’09, is principal at Farmington High School. Jason completed his Ed.S. degree and principal licensure as a member of the Lakeville off campus licensure cohort, and served as assistant principal at Farmington High School before being named principal at FHS.

Michael Brindise, Ed.S. ’14, was named the 2014-15 Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Middle Level Educators. Mike teaches at the middle level in the Wayzata Public Schools at Wayzata Middle School West.

Mary Kay Bungert (Kathleen Boyle, Ph.D., dissertation chair) and Aura-Wharton Beck (Sarah Noonan, Ed.D., dissertation chair) – both students in the Doctorate in Leadership program – were chosen for the Luann Dummer Center for Women Research Fellowship this summer.

Eric Hudspith, Ed.S., ’11, is completing his first year as the Director of Human Resources for the Mankato Area Public schools. Eric completed his Educational Specialist degree and principal licensure while working as an elementary principal in the Albert Lea Public schools.

Michael Lehan, Ed.S. ’12, and a member of the doctoral program at St. Thomas in LPA, was recently named principal of Osseo High School in the Osseo Public School District. After his NFL playing career with the Dolphins and Browns, Michael returned to Minnesota as an administrative assistant in the Osseo schools, earning his principal licensure through St. Thomas, and serving as assistant principal at Maple Grove Senior before being appointed principal at Osseo High School.

Jeffrey ‘Jeff’ Alan Pesta, Ed.D., alumnus of the Doctorate in Leadership program, was unanimously selected by the Kenyon-Wanamingo School Board to assume the superintendent position. Pesta has been the principal for Northfield Middle School the last seven years, and was on a one-year leave of absence to complete his doctorate.

Rob Reetz, Ed.S., ’13, was recently named principal of Chippewa Middle School in the Mounds View Public School system. Reetz received his principal licensure through a St. Thomas cohort based at Cretin Derham Hall High School, and previously served at an instructional specialist at Irondale High School where he led the implementation of the innovative Early College programming.

John (Jack) Serier, Ed.D. ‘11, alumnus of the Doctorate in Leadership program, was promoted to the ‘second-in-command’ Chief Deputy position by Ramsey County Sheriff, Matt Bostrom. Since leaving the St. Paul Police Department in 2011 where he rose through the ranks to become a commander, he has been with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, serving as undersheriff of the public safety division. Serier has 24 years of law enforcement and public safety experience and has served as an adjunct faculty in the Leadership, Policy and Administration department since 2004.

Karen Zwolenski, Ed.S. ’12, is completing her first year as principal of Hawthorne Elementary School in Albert Lea, MN, after completing her principal licensure program as a member of the Lakeville Cohort.