The 2011 Charitable Giving Campaign is upon us. Although the Office for Mission accepts donations at any time, the official campaign for UST faculty and staff begins Monday, Nov. 15, and runs through Tuesday, Nov. 30. Last year almost $39,000 was pledged. In spite of difficult economic times, it is our hope to exceed that amount this year. The people at the low end of the economic scale suffer the most in these times, and their dependence upon us is greater than ever.
The campaign again this year will be a “mostly” electronic campaign. A Charitable Giving booklet and pledge form will be sent to your e-mail address and also can be found by accessing the Charitable Giving website. After reviewing the booklet and pledge form, print the pledge form, complete it, and return it to the Office for Mission by Nov. 30 (AQU104). Links to the eight federations and the various organizations they represent can also be found on the website.
Cash gifts are always welcome but we encourage you to consider the convenience of donating via payroll deduction. By using payroll deduction, your contribution can be paid over the course of 26 pay periods or it can be paid as a one-time deduction.
Paper campaign materials will be distributed via campus mail to those employees who lack access to a computer or have limited access. If that is your situation or the situation of employees in your unit, please call the Office for Mission, 2-5200, and request paper campaign materials.
All contributions, large or small, are greatly appreciated. Please give what you can in order to help others in our community … the need is great.
Thank you for your generosity and support. May God bless you.